July 2

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?


full roof replacement in maple grove

The roof is arguably the most ignored part of a house. It is only when your roof starts leaking that you realize you need a new roof. The roof is essential as it protects your possessions and your home against the various elements of weather.

A roof that is in excellent condition lets you enjoy a comfortable stay in your home and shields you from heavy winds, rain, excessive heat, hailstorms, and so forth. You are likely to replace your roof many times if it is not strong enough to withstand harsh conditions.

You will need to do regular inspections to ensure that you replace it before further damages occur. Here are guidelines to help you understand how often you should replace your roof.


Roofing Materials Used


There are different types of roofs. Each has its durability strength, depending on the material used. According to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, asphalt shingles can last up to 20 years if they are installed properly, and not damaged. Wood and metals last between 30 to 45 years, while clay shingles can last up to 50 years.

You will need to replace your roof before or immediately after the lifespan expires. It may also take longer or less than the required lifespan depending on the type of material or if it is damaged by storms. It is advisable to replace your roof once it gets older.


The Weather of Your Environment


Where you live determines the lifespan of your roof. It is because of the differences in weather. Unfavorable weather conditions such as hailstorms, heavy winds, and snow can have adverse effects on your roof, thus reducing its lifespan. Roofs get damaged during winter and in places experiencing high freezing temperatures.

Too much heat also reduces the lifespan of your roof. You are likely to replace your roof earlier if it has dark materials that absorb too much heat.


Inadequate Ventilation


A well-ventilated roof blocks the formation of ice dams during the winter season. The roof allows the circulation of air and maintains cold temperatures. It ensures that your roof does not get too hot during summer. However, your roof may require replacement if it has poor ventilation to avoid severe damages.


Sagging Roof


Always look out for damaged shingles, roof leaks, or a sagging roof. If you notice any of these signs, then know it is time to replace your roof. Some of these signs may occur even before the expiration of the roofing lifespan.

Any sign of damage is an indication that your roof needs a replacement. Waiting longer could cause more damages resulting in higher costs or replacement. Make sure that you take necessary action once you spot any red flags.


Turn to the Pros at Shelter Construction


At Shelter, we perform free inspections and consultations. We will perform minor repairs during the inspection to small damage that we find. Give us a call at 612-284-6985 or schedule an inspection today on our website!


Roof Shingles, Roofing

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